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Showing posts from July, 2017

Single Shopping List Cooking

Single Shopping List Cooking As the name suggests, Single Shopping List Cooking is all about cooking a range of meals from a single shopping list. We could equally have called it Multiple Meals from a Single Shopping List , or Multiple Meals Using the Same Ingredients , but Single Shopping List Cooking seemed a bit snazzier! Single Meals for One We also liked the fact that SINGLE Shopping List Cooking could have a dual meaning. It can mean single shopping list as in only one shopping list, but also single shopping list as in a shopping list for single people. That said, while there are some single serve recipes in the book, some will make enough for a couple (or even 3) servings. This is going to encourage you to get thrifty, as you are going to be able to have leftovers for the following day, or start stockpiling frozen meals you have made yourself! For this reason we don't suggest buying EVERYTHING on the shopping list for your first week. Look at the different reci